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Well, the Pistols aren’t supposed to work unless you feed them.
Sentinel Co Ltd. has released a pack of stand themed toothpicks. The stands on them are Sex Pistols, Harvest, Bad Company, Pearl Jam, and Metallica.
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Man, I don’t know if I’m into this redecorating Tonio’s been up to
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Stupid Mista putting us on a diet! We’ll show him!
The tips of the picks are also based on the stand arrowhead except for the Pistols and Bad Company. Theirs kinda look like bullets, but it may just be that they’re pointed. This is one of the more adorable products I’ve seen out of JoJo, and I include Johnathan Joecat in that estimation. I mean, the idea is adorable. I don’t know if I’d actually want to eat food with little tiny soldiers or angry bullet ghosts in them.
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3 doesn’t look like he wants to let you take the sandwich, either.
It may not be that you’re supposed to eat from them anyway. The current price of them is ¥525 ($5.40.) That gets you the 18 figure set, all the Pistols and then three each of the other stands, in the three color variations of blue, lime green, and orange. But! They are also selling a display box for the whopping price of ¥6,000 ($61.65.)
Now, I know that seems like a little much to be putting into toothpicks, but these are coming out in August. Can you resist the urge to beat someone playing Mista and then nonchalantly pick your teeth with one of his defeated stand? I don’t know that you can.
(Thanks to Araki-JoJo Twitter for retweeting these products. Images © Luckyland, Shueisha, Araki, and Sentinel Co. Ltd.)
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